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Vitae Meaning In Hindi: Everything You Need To Know

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Welcome to our blog article where we will be discussing the meaning of vitae in Hindi. Vitae is a Latin word that means “life” and is often used in English as a shorthand for “curriculum vitae” or “CV” which refers to a document that outlines a person’s work experience and qualifications. In this article, we will explore the various meanings of vitae in Hindi and how it can be used in different contexts.

What is the Meaning of Vitae in Hindi?

Vitae has several meanings in Hindi depending on the context in which it is used. One of the most common meanings of vitae in Hindi is “जीवन” which translates to “life” in English. This meaning is derived from the original Latin meaning of vitae which also means “life”. Another meaning of vitae in Hindi is “शिक्षा विवरण” which refers to a curriculum vitae or CV in English.

Using Vitae in Hindi

Using Vitae to Refer to Life

When using vitae to refer to life in Hindi, it can be used in a variety of contexts such as:

  • अपने जीवन में सफलता पाने के लिए हमें अपनी भावनाओं को संतुलित रखना चाहिए। (To achieve success in life, we must balance our emotions.)
  • जीवन एक अनुभव है। (Life is an experience.)
  • हमें अपने जीवन के लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए मेहनत करनी चाहिए। (We should work hard to achieve our life goals.)

Using Vitae to Refer to a Curriculum Vitae

When using vitae to refer to a curriculum vitae (CV) in Hindi, it is often used in professional or academic contexts. Some examples of using vitae to refer to a CV in Hindi include:

  • मैंने अपनी शिक्षा विवरण वाली अपनी विवरण पुस्तिका अपने आवेदन में सम्मिलित की। (I included my CV with my application that had my educational details.)
  • उसकी शिक्षा विवरण में उसने उन सभी विषयों से मास्टर्स की डिग्री हासिल की है जो उसे अपने करियर में उठाने में मददगार साबित होंगे। (His CV shows that he has a Master's degree in all the subjects that will be helpful for his career growth.)

Why is Vitae Important?

Vitae is an important term in both Hindi and English as it refers to a person’s life or career. Understanding the meaning of vitae in Hindi is especially important for individuals who are looking to work or study in India as it is often used in professional and academic contexts. Additionally, having a strong vitae, or CV, is essential for anyone looking to apply for jobs or further their education.


In conclusion, vitae is a versatile term that can be used in many different contexts in Hindi. Whether it refers to a person’s life or their curriculum vitae, understanding the different meanings of vitae is crucial for anyone looking to work or study in India. So, if you are looking to improve your Hindi skills or want to know more about the language and culture, learning the meaning of vitae in Hindi is a great place to start.

Thank you for reading!

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